Earlier this year http://babelfish.yahoo.com was shut down. The Pipes translate module relied on this service and has also been deprecated. Pipe developers have been looking for a solution to this gap. One of the available solutions we’ve been using is the Microsoft Translate API with Pipes. First get you need to sign up with Microsoft to get your translate key and username. When filling out their form you can enter your domain or pipes.yahoo.com in the “Redirect URI” field. (E.g. http://pipes.yahoo.com) The only 2 things you need to remember is the Client ID (which you assign) and the Client secret (which they generate). You can do that here: https://datamarket.azure.com/developer/applications/ After you set your clientid and get your client secret, clone this Pipe: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=c33dfcb6228fcf820afd1bac96833d4c and add it to your favorites by “staring it”. When building your Pipe you can access it via the Favorites folder in the Pipes Editor. You can see from this Pipes example how to use that Translate Pipe to fine tune what you want your Pipe to traslate: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.edit?_id=ac325bbbc6c5603c8c8e33dd26fe3fc3 Here i’m putting the Bing Translate Pipe into a Loop and translating the RSS feed titles from Spanish to English. You can clone and then modify the Pipe to your liking. Remember the free version of Microsoft Translater will give you 2 million characters of translation per month. For developers familiar with YQL there is also a YQL Microsoft Translate table available here. As with Pipes, you’ll need to sign up for the client ID and client secret from Microsoft. |